Recently I rescued a hard drive from and old PC and installed it as a second drive into another one. I wanted to save some of the files on it, so I didn’t want to wipe it clean, but did want to delete the unneeded Windows folder. Doing so turns out to be much harder… Continue reading Deleting the undeletable on Windows
Category: Uncategorized
CakePHP 2.0 now requires an updated version of libpcre
In a previous post, I included steps to fix the PCRE problem in Cake 1.3. After upgrading to CakePHP 2.0, I found that those steps on CentOS 5.4 aren’t sufficient to run Cake console scripts. To fix it, here are the steps: # yum remove pcre-devel # Download the latest source (v8.21) from #… Continue reading CakePHP 2.0 now requires an updated version of libpcre
Facebook Connect broken again? Here’s a workaround for the latest crash
Facebook Connect is great when it works, but like with any SAAS solution, if they go down, your site does too. The latest bug is especially annoying, as it had previously arisen in December and was fixed by Facebook the following day. The current incarnation is (as of now) still not fixed, 3 days later. … Continue reading Facebook Connect broken again? Here’s a workaround for the latest crash
Yahoo Mail DOES Offer IMAP After All
… at least for the paid Yahoo Mail Plus users like me. After spending several days trying in vain to download all my 35000 emails via POP3 to Outlook 2010, I was about to switch to Gmail permanently (since from Day 1 it has offered free IMAP, which is much more reliable and faster) when… Continue reading Yahoo Mail DOES Offer IMAP After All
For automatic upgrading of WordPress, the directory owner has to be apache
After setting up a new VPS to run this blog, among a few other sites, it only took a few minutes to get Wordpress running again. That part was easy, but later on when I tried to auto-upgrade to the latest version, I was suddenly prompted for FTP credentials. This is pretty odd, because: I don’t want to… Continue reading For automatic upgrading of WordPress, the directory owner has to be apache